(314) 678-9355
When people hear the phrase “carpal tunnel,” they often think of the pain, numbness, or tingling that occurs when a major nerve (the median nerve) of the hand is squeezed or compressed. However, the carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist that protects this nerve and the flexor tendons that bend the fingers and thumb. Carpel tunnel syndrome occurs when the tissues of the carpel tunnel swell, putting pressure on the median nerve. If you're experiencing pain and are looking for carpal tunnel treatment and pain relief in St. Louis, contact Vidan Family Chiropractic today.
The most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome are from our regular daily activities. Activities can be so regular and repetitive that it causes inflammation and swelling in overused parts of the body.
Typing for long periods
Carrying heavy trays (servers and waitstaff)
Grasping type of work (farming, picking plants or produce, etc.)
Exercises, adjustments or splints can help relieve discomfort so you can get back to your life, job, and favorite activities.
Proper stretching and exercises can alleviate the pressure and pain that causes carpal tunnel syndrome.
Forming good habits, and taking necessary breaks can have a huge impact on your symptoms and your every day life.